Saturday, December 28, 2019

Time is of the Essence in the Hiring Game

Time is of the Essence in the Hiring GameTime is of the Essence in the Hiring GameIt happens when an ideal candidate for your organization appears out of nowhere and you dont hire him/her because you dont have openings at the moment. Or, what about when you take a long time interviewing an applicant, checking references, and making the final decision, only to have another company come along and scoop them up in a day? The solutionstop wasting time and start making decisions So many companies tend to start recruiting before they are fully ready to make offers. Unfortunately, by dragging our feet, the good candidates can slip away. In bestellung to make the best use of your time, before you decide to even post a fleck, you need to make the following determinations Job descriptionWhat will the new hire be doing? What percentage of the time will be spent in different areas? Who will the person report to? Who will be responsible for his/her development? What are the ideal requirements for the position and what are the minimum requirements? Make sure to get top managements approval of a position BEFORE you start to recruit. Too many times candidates are lost when hiring managers attempt to get approval after the fact. Time frameDo you need someone tomorrow or two months from now? If the answer is two months from now, youre not necessarily going to take hiring for the position seriously, plus yourorganizations requirements may change. If you need someone tomorrow, start cracking Compensation What will it take to fill the position? What can you truly afford? Make sure to do yourresearch. Look online at or other similar sites to see if what youreoffering is realistic. Too many positions go unfilled because hiring managers haveunrealistic expectations of what applicants will accept. Dont waste your timeinterviewing an applicant who is looking for more money than you can afford. You canrun the risk of insulting the applicant and losing them forever as a po tential hire.However, save the resume. You may not be able to afford the person today, but thingsmay be different a year from now. InterviewsWhat will you ask the candidates? To aid your comparison and help you meet EEOguidelines, write out questions ahead of time and ask all applicants the same ones. Whenthe right applicant comes along, interview quickly and make offers quickly The companies you are competing with wont delay and neither should you. If you are unsureof the applicant, then they are either not the right person for the job, or you were mostlikely not ready to actually hire someone. ReferencesCheck applicants references quickly or make offers contingent on successful referencechecks. Good applicants already know what you will find out and will likely accept theoffer and give notice while you are checking references.

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