Saturday, December 28, 2019

Time is of the Essence in the Hiring Game

Time is of the Essence in the Hiring GameTime is of the Essence in the Hiring GameIt happens when an ideal candidate for your organization appears out of nowhere and you dont hire him/her because you dont have openings at the moment. Or, what about when you take a long time interviewing an applicant, checking references, and making the final decision, only to have another company come along and scoop them up in a day? The solutionstop wasting time and start making decisions So many companies tend to start recruiting before they are fully ready to make offers. Unfortunately, by dragging our feet, the good candidates can slip away. In bestellung to make the best use of your time, before you decide to even post a fleck, you need to make the following determinations Job descriptionWhat will the new hire be doing? What percentage of the time will be spent in different areas? Who will the person report to? Who will be responsible for his/her development? What are the ideal requirements for the position and what are the minimum requirements? Make sure to get top managements approval of a position BEFORE you start to recruit. Too many times candidates are lost when hiring managers attempt to get approval after the fact. Time frameDo you need someone tomorrow or two months from now? If the answer is two months from now, youre not necessarily going to take hiring for the position seriously, plus yourorganizations requirements may change. If you need someone tomorrow, start cracking Compensation What will it take to fill the position? What can you truly afford? Make sure to do yourresearch. Look online at or other similar sites to see if what youreoffering is realistic. Too many positions go unfilled because hiring managers haveunrealistic expectations of what applicants will accept. Dont waste your timeinterviewing an applicant who is looking for more money than you can afford. You canrun the risk of insulting the applicant and losing them forever as a po tential hire.However, save the resume. You may not be able to afford the person today, but thingsmay be different a year from now. InterviewsWhat will you ask the candidates? To aid your comparison and help you meet EEOguidelines, write out questions ahead of time and ask all applicants the same ones. Whenthe right applicant comes along, interview quickly and make offers quickly The companies you are competing with wont delay and neither should you. If you are unsureof the applicant, then they are either not the right person for the job, or you were mostlikely not ready to actually hire someone. ReferencesCheck applicants references quickly or make offers contingent on successful referencechecks. Good applicants already know what you will find out and will likely accept theoffer and give notice while you are checking references.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Breakfast - the most important meal of the week

Breakfast - the most important meal of the weekBreakfast - the most important meal of the weekDo you know that the most often used hashtag on Monday is MondayBlues? Even if you have a fun and exciting job, going back to the office after a nice weekend is not something you readily look forward to.But here at , weve got a Monday tradition that turns the MondayBlues into MondayMotivation. Our week starts with an all-company breakfast meeting.What does the breakfast look like?The most important task on our CEOs Monday agenda is getting the food for breakfast. We get together in the office, Georgi brings in the groceries and everyone helps in rahmen up the table putting plates around, cutting vegetables or opening that ever-so-stubborn marmalade jar. It almost feels like gathering a group of friends for Sunday brunch.The cool thing is that even our teammates from other cities can join the breakfast while youre having a croissant in Sofia, youre chatting with Vessy, whos eating yoghurt and muesli in Dublin. Technology is cool like thatThe first 15 minutes pass by in chit-chat all around the table. How was your weekend? Did you go out on Friday? How did it go with your friend coming to visit from Amsterdam? We have time to catch up and share something fun. Of course, you have to be focused if you drift off in small talk, those tasty whole-wheat buns might be goneThen serious work starts. Every team shares what they did over the past week and what they will focus on during this one. We save time for key announcements such as new feature releases, company strategy and key metrics (as the data geek on the team, thats my personal favorite part)Why you should start your own Monday breakfast?It aya is fun, but our Monday breakfast brings loads of different benefits for the company. Let me go through them one by one.It boosts up motivationOne of my previous employers had a company-wide Monday meeting, too. It consisted of an hour of constant pushing and harsh questions, which made Monday morning the most dreaded time of the week. And when your week starts off like that, you feel drained and less productive right away.On the other hand, when the week starts with something cool, you can ease off into work mode and get energized by what other teams are working on. It brings loads of motivation to see what amazing stuff our devs are building or the visual magic our art director is working on. I hope the guys get the same kick when we share we got featured in Inc. Magazine or some other marketing wins.Related articlesBringing more personality to our basic planWhen work is a pleasure, life is a joyGet advice from an expert whos seen more than 300,000 resumesA distributions-mix for each teams contributionsMajor risk teams run is to get siloed in. Operations people have no idea what the designers do, marketing and developers rarely talk to each other. The Monday breakfast helps us catch up on what each team is working on. You get a sense that every person on that table contributes a vital role in the success of the company. Its a team effort, after allA perfect stage for the important stuffThe Monday breakfast is the perfect place to say what everyone needs to hear an upcoming company event, an introduction of our newest hire or something else. Even though we dont have long discussions during the meeting, when people have some input on whats being presented, they are more than welcome to share it. This serves as a litmus test for concepts that need to be developed further or changed in some way. The best thing is that the discussion transcends teams and you can get really valuable feedback from people in different roles.It makes you more productiveAlthough I cant back this with data, I feel much more productive when I see what everyone is working on and what tremendous impact we make every day. I feel recharged, ready to take on the most important tasks, a part of a great team. Now Monday is the coolest day of the week.How do you st art the week at your company? Let us know in the comments below.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

ASME and Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Offer Pump Valve S...

ASME and Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Offer Pump Valve S... ASME and Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Offer Pump Valve S... ASME and Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Offer Pump & Valve meeting in JulyApril 21, 2017 Registration is now open for the 13th Pump Valve Symposium - an event that is widely regarded as the premier conference on nuclear power plant inservice testing. The symposium, which is co-sponsored by ASME and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), will be held from July 16 to 19 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Washington D.C. ? Silver Spring in Silver Spring, Md.The four-day event will explore the latest issues, technology, developments and trends in preservice and inservice testing (IST) of nuclear power plants. The symposium will feature the fields leading experts - including prominent officials from the NRC and ASME code leaders - addressing a wide range of topics including NRC rulemaking, general ASME Operations and Maintenance Code (OM) scope , content and philosophy, and the pumps, valves, motor-operated valves (MOVs), air-operated valves (AOVs), snubbers, and risk insight activities that are vital to the panzerschrank and reliable operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants.One highlight of the Pump Valve Symposium is sure to be the keynote presentation, which will be given by Mary Jane Ross-Lee, acting Director for the Division of Operating Reactor Licensing in the NRCs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Since joining the NRC in 1997, Ross-Lee has served in a number of areas within the agency including the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, the Office of New Reactors, and the Office of Administration (ADM). Appointed to the commissions Senior Executive Service in 2011, Ross-Lee currently serves as the Deputy Director for Division of Engineering. Mary Jane Ross-Lee will be the keynote presenter at the ASME/NRC Pump & Valve Symposium in July.Other speakers at the symposium will include represen tatives from ASME and the NRC as well as such companies and organizations as Westinghouse, NuScale, Exelon Nuclear, Entergy, Flowserve Corp., Anvil EPS, Kalsi Engineering, Curtiss Wright, Tecnatom, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Electric Power Research Institute, Sandia National Laboratories, the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS), the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, and China Nuclear Power Design.The symposium will also feature an open panel session at the end of the meeting where NRC and ASME OM Code leaders will review highlights from the four-day event and field questions from audience members.Robert Wolfgang of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, who is co-chairing the symposium with Robert Parry from NextEra Energy, said the event provides an excellent opportunity for young IST engineers to gain valuable insight into the inservice testing of pumps, valves, and snubbers, and for the industry to discuss OM Code decisions and determinations with the individuals responsible for the Code changes. It also offers IST engineers the chance to meet and talk to NRC staff who are involved with inservice testing, he said.For more information on the 13th ASME/NRC Pump Valve Symposium, or to register, visit

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Managing Up - How to Manage Up - The Muse

Managing Up - How to Manage Up - The MuseManaging Up - How to Manage Up If you didnt already know, the most significant factor impacting your job satisfaction is your relationship with your direct manager. Not surprisingly, clients often bring me stories about the difficulty of working with their baboes. Its not always that these supervisors are bullies or tyrants its simply that many employees dont prioritize building a good relationship with their manager. The value of a good relationship is that it gives you a solid foundation when stressful times arise. Without one, you dont have the open communication and sense of trust needed to resolve issues between you quickly. If they go unaddressed, these are issues over which you could grow fatigued and frustrated- and eventually, quit.Instead, you should have a strategic plan to manage up and figure out how to work with your manager more effectively. No matter how good or bad your manager may be, its vital- and, honestly, its your job- t o make this relationship work. Why leave the quality of that relationship solely in your managers hands? zu siches what you can do to take charge and start managing up. 1. Embrace the MissionYour job is to support your boss success. Thats what you were hired to do. Managers dont want people on their team who drag them down. They look for people to make them look like rock stars. Understand and accept this as your mission.2. Develop a Positive RelationshipIf you think about it, you spend more time with your manager than with nearly any otherbei person in your life. Yet so many people leave the nurturing and tending of this relationship to chance- or neglect it completely. Instead, intentionally get to know your manager as a person. Im not saying you need to plan a camping trip or become best buds. But get a sense for who he or she is as a person. Where did she come from? How did she get where she is now? What are the lessons she learned along the way?Simple questions that help you to get to know one another can go a long way toward helping you understand your managers goals, perspective, and behavior- and respond accordingly. 3. Understand His or Her GoalsAll employees should know their direct managers goals, objectives, and desired outcomes. If you arent clear on those things, nows the time to set up a one-on-one meeting to fix that. Why? Because everything you do is directly tied to that. By understanding his or her goals, youll be able to see how your work ties into the groups success. (Plus, by seeing how youre part of something bigger than your day-to-day responsibilities, youll up your satisfaction factor at work, too.)4. Anticipate His or Her NeedsOnce you understand your boss goals, youll be better equipped to anticipate his or her needs.For example, if you know that your managers goal is to sign contracts with six new clients over the next month, notice when there are high-priority prospect meetings on his calendar and ask what he needs from you to be prepared. By asking for what your manager needs before he thinks to ask you for it, youll make a welcome contribution- without looking like youre sucking up. 5. Never Let Him or Her Get BlindsidedYou know bad news is coming. Theres a miserable customer or an unhappy business partner poised to escalate over your head. That means your boss is going to get the call. Theres only one thing to do Let your manager know before that call comes in. Theres nothing more annoying to a manager than being caught off guard and knowing nothing about the situation at hand. When you know that call is coming, get your boss the details of the situation and the corrective action thats already in play (because youve already taken care of that, right?) so he or she is prepared and confident when that phone rings. 6. Do Your Job WellOne of the best ways you can manage up is to manage you. Stephen Covey of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People fame said, Effective people do two things They strive to do excellent work, and they prioritize.So, do both. When you do your job well, you give your manager something to brag about in staff meetings. Its professional capital and a point of pride for him or her. What better way is there to manage up?7. Tell Him or Her How to Best Use Your TalentsResearch shows that great managers uncover whats unique about each person on the team- and then exploit the heck out of it.In order for your boss to do that, you need to tell him or her what your talents are and how you can use those powers for good in the organization and to serve his or her success. What are your strengths? What does your Myers-Briggs or DISC typology say about you? How do you deal with pressure, conflict, deadlines, and time management? What assets do you bring to the table- and how do they complement your managers strengths? Once you have a firm grasp on these things, have a conversation about how best to leverage what you bring to the organization. Managing up is a process of c ombining the best of both of you to create success for everyone. 8. Honor Your Boss TimeYou may be on the same team and pulling for the same results, but that doesnt mean your boss time is yours for your taking.Learn the most opportune times to collaborate with your boss- when he or she is going to be most focused on what you need- and plan your meetings for those times. Honor your managers time in other ways, too. Keep commitments for meetings and phone calls. Begin them promptly and end on time. Prepare and send an agenda ahead of time so your boss knows what points youll be covering and you dont get off track. Expect to lead the discussion, capture decisions, and follow up accordingly. Youll show your boss that you value and appreciate his or her time.9. Align Your Needs With His or Her GoalsLong ago I heard someone say, If youre going to ask somebody to do something, tell them why its good for them. Words could not be truer when it comes to asking something of your manager. Want to work on that new marketing project? Need her eyes on a presentation youre working on? Want an introduction to a connection of hers? Its far easier for her to say yes when you connect those actions to her professional goals. Tell her how the project will help you become a liaison for her team, how your presentation will impact the teams success, or how that introduction will boost her reputation as a manager and mentor. 10. Under-Promise and Over-DeliverThis almost goes without saying. If your manager needs to keep checking in and worries about you delivering on time, youre not doing it right. Keep your commitments. Meet deadlines ahead of time. Keep your boss in the loop about the progress youve made before she asks. These devilishly simple strategies make you look like a rock star- and an expert in managing up. Dont make the mistake- one that so many people make- of believing your manager is simply a work troll to be tolerated (or worse). Look around and see what you can do to manage up effectively. Youll find more satisfaction and learn far more in the process. Photo of hands courtesy of Shutterstock.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Why Everybody Is Talking About High School Student Resume Examples...The Simple Truth Revealed

Why Everybody Is Talking About High School Student Resume Examples...The Simple Truth Revealed Most Noticeable High School Student Resume Examples Its fast and simple to use. Your resume will be broken up into sections. You cant when it might be required. You arent sure where to begin and thats understandable. Applicants have a couple alternatives for the format. Most students hit a wall when it regards the expert experience section since they just dont have relevant work experience. Students that are in undergraduate education level can use the samples from Undergraduate Student Resume template to acquire a notion of a comprehensive content when writing a resume to be able to find the eye of the employers. You might choose to add to your resume that youre a problem solver or solution oriented. A resume example is able to help you make a decision as to what sort of content to include, together with how to format your resume. When writing the absolutely free editor resumes , there are a number of important tips that should be followed. Each genau on your resume can be a trigger for a question via an interviewer, and youll often be requested to provide examples of the skills youve referenced.Formatting a college resume might be an overwhelming job, especially when you do it for the very first time. Read below for ideas on how to compose a strong college resume. Preparing to compose the resume is much like brainstorming before you start your college application essays. The resumes for college students should be shown in a well written format with the proper use of words and grammar. For Pharmacy students, its very difficult to have a job if they dont have a strong knowledge in English. See the included Internship resume for a complete example. Students can make an application for work so long as it fits them in the available work position. A College Student resume should showcase superior multitasking abilities and the ability to stay organized and on-task during the day. After that very first job, however, extracurricular activities you had in college wont actually have a spot on your resume. Since youll discover, even in the event that you dont have any prior professional experiences, its possible to still draw on your school experiences. Everyone has desirable abilities and experiences to provide employers including you Conveying your distinctive teaching qualities and accomplishments to a possible high school is indispensable to landing a work interview. Keywords are important buzzwords an employer would utilize to locate a match for a work opening. Working part-time is extremely popular among them, and they normally decide to work in retail or hospitality. Concentrate on highlighting relevant coursework to the job youre applying for. Hiring managers realize that someone coming right out of school is probably going to have a whole whole lot of work experience, especially within the field. Utilization and signifi cance of a college resume can be viewed in numerous fields. You shouldnt ever just list the duties of your work. You high school guidance office might also have resources on how best to compose a high school resume. A History of High School Student Resume Examples Refuted For activities, you may include things you have done or are doing that show a possible employer what youve been involved things beyond school over the past couple of years. Sometimes it will help to talk to someone else about what might stick out among your activities or higher school experiences. Finding a new job every year appears schwimmbad on a resume and will hurt your odds of being hired later on. You are able to mention on your resume you have taken three decades of Spanish.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Top Advice on Resume for a College Student

Top Advice on Resume for a College Student Resume for a College Student - Overview On a resume, it is a different story. Otherwise, career goal information can frequently be placed within a resume objective statement. At the base of your resume, its beneficial to conclude with a couple of references. Tailoring your resume is the sole means to find an interview if you dont have a strong career background. The Upside to Resume for a College Student Certifications are terrific way to set yourself apart from your competition, but in addition can open the door to opportunities beyond your field to generate a little cash. It is possible to still apply all the strategies below and have a terrific likelihood of receiving an internship. If you have not had any sort of job, it is possible to still develop a compelling resume. The thing is that in buchen to acquire an internship, you have to have a compelling resume. The Dos and Donts of Resume for a College Student Dont hesitate to ask clarifying questions in case you have any. Think of creative ways by which you can use your skills to help another person. Its also crucial that you dont lead by asking them to help you receive a job. Thus, if you would like your teacher resume to be noticed, you must incorporate a couple of buzz words pertinent to the teaching field. Highlight Accomplishments A teacher ought to have a accomplishment-based resume. Your resume should give them a crystal clear response to that question. Quite often the interviewer might just need to observe how you think and may not expect that youre fully able to fix the issue. The Bad Side of Resume for a College Student A clean, error-free resume will force you to look professional. For instance, obtaining a certification to lead a workout class. What You Dont Know About Resume for a College Student A resume example is able to help you make a decision as to what sort of content to include, together with how to format your resum e. In addition, a useful table for those runtimes of each operation of a data structure are available here. The format of your resume will heavily are based on the information that you need to work with. Scan the work title, pick up valuable search phrases, do a little research on the business, and after fifteen minutes you will understand the method by which the provider imagines the ideal candidate. Lets walk through three unique resumes for different kinds of post-college jobs. Just be sure that whatever you include can somehow be placed on the job that you desire. You will receive an amazing job only as long as you place in effort. Attending summer community events provides you with a chance to get to understand your town and the people that you share it with. Irrespective of whether youre writing a college freshman resume or a graduate resume, the sample below is an excellent template you may use to make your own advertising and marketing document. Whether its a fresh man college resume or a graduate resume that you require, its a fantastic time to think about precisely how to make it right. If youre a college student living away from home over the summertime, this is your opportunity to get to understand the horizont by actively engaging with those whove lived there for a long time.

Friday, November 29, 2019

President Kotb Discusses Megacities and Global Initiatives at the ASME Metropolitan Section Meetin

President Kotb Discusses Megacities and Global Initiatives at the ASME Metropolitan Section Meetin President Kotb Discusses Megacities and Global Initiatives at the ASME Metropolitan Section Meetin President Kotb Discusses Megacities & Global Initiatives at the ASME Metropolitan Section MeetingThe ASME Metropolitan Section invited Society President Madiha El Mehelmy Kotb to speak at its special Presidents Night Meeting on March 20 in Brooklyn, N.Y. (Photos by Wil Haywood, ASME Public Information) ASME President Madiha El Mehelmy Kotb welches the guest of honor for the ASME Metropolitan Sections Presidents Night Meeting, which was held March 20 at the National Grid building in Brooklyn, N.Y. More than 70 ASME members, the majority of whom were student members from nearby universities, attended the meeting to hear Kotb speak on several topics including the continuing growth in the population of cities throughout the world and choosing geographic diversity as one of her personal goal s for her term as ASME president, which began last June.Because the expected growth of cities and so-called megacities such as New York, Kotb said that the 21st century has been dubbed the Century of Cities, as more than half the worlds population currently live in cities and that 60 percent are expected to live in metropolitan areas by 2030. As new cities emerge and existing cities reach high density, integralrechnung into smart grids, merging all systems for transportation, energy, water, sewage, etc., is essential, she said. Thats how we live and thats how engineers design. Preparing for the integration of future technologies is a great challenge for existing cities. Nearly 70 ASME members, including student members from three local universities, attended the event. On the subject of geographic diversity, President Kotb said that as an engineer who was born and raised in Egypt, currently lives in Canada, and is considered to be ASMEs first president from outside the U nited States, encouraging diversity within ASMEs membership was a natural choice to be one of her personal objectives as leader of ASME. Building geographic diversity is achievable through opening in aller herren lnder access to ASME activities and also by building better interaction among Sectors, Kotb said, pointing to ASMEs work providing global access to its standards-setting process as an example of an activity that encourages greater international participation. ASME is also engaged in such global initiatives as forming international working groups and partnerships with organizations such as the World Federation of Engineering of Organizations and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization signing Memorandums of Understanding with international governmental and nongovernmental organizations and providing translations of ASME standards and courses in languages including Spanish, Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean and Portuguese. Other important Society efforts to encourage global participation include the multi-society Engineering for Change (E4C) partnership for solving global development problems, and, which enables engineers around the world to make new connections, share information, collaborate in ASME Groups, and remain informed and up-to-date with advances within the profession, Kotb said.In addition to officers and members of the ASME Metropolitan Senior Section, the special meeting was also attended by nearly 60 student members from three local universities the City College of New York, New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering, and New York City College of Technology.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Are You Ready for an Internship or a Full-Time Job

Are You Ready for an Internship or a Full-Time JobAre You Ready for an Internship or a Full-Time JobEarly in your career is a great time to take risks and learn. Its expected that you ask questions because interns are encouraged to explore their interests tosupplement classroom knowledge. It is an opportunity not just for career development, but also for personal development. You can cultivate skills necessary in many roles and understand what your passions are.But how do you know when enough is enough? How do you know when youve maximized the benefits from internships and are prepared for a full-time position? As a recent graduate, my personal experience transitioning from internships to a full-time position helped shape my thoughts onwhen a recent graduate is ready for his or her first full-time role. Here are five factors to consider when deciding whether you should pursue another internship or a full-time role.1. You Know Exactly What You Want to DoChoose the internshipIf the que stions, what occupation are you interested in pursuing or what is your idea role, strike fear in the pit of your stomach, consider exploring internship opportunities. Most college students just spent four years taking classes supposedly related to the career they hope to pursue. But, lets be honest, maybe you dont really know what you want to do. Choosing to accept an internship after college provides the perfect time to explore and try out new skills and projects. If you relish the opportunity to work on projects not directly related to your role or to converse with people in other departments to see what piques your interest, internships are a great opportunity. Choose the full-time position If you have exhausted your desire to jump from small project to small project and had previous intern experience during your summer years of college to find your passion, you may be beyond your intern days and prepared to devote yourself to your niche. If youve already tried out different role s in your chosen field and have a well-defined sense of your likes and dislikes, youre ready to commit to a role designed to allow you to specialize and experience a greater depth in your projects.2. Youre Ready to Put Down RootsChoose the internshipWith an internship offer in another city, you can use the opportunity as a trial ansturm to experience life in a new location youd like to explore. My internship in Seattle provided not only a trial run with my chosen career path, but also allowed me the ability to explore the surrounding area and see if I could picture myself there long-term. You may work forty hours a week, but youll also want to immerse yourself in a surrounding that is interesting. Choose the full-time positionIf you know the state or city where you would like to live and are ready to put down some roots, this is one sign that youre beyond the days of short-term planning and prepared to accept a full-time offer.3. You Found The Perfect CompanyChoose the internshipDo you enjoy working in smaller companies or larger companies? What is it you liked working at a smaller company as opposed to one that is larger? What about working at the company made you the happiest? If you cant answer these questions, an internship is a chance to try out a company and experience different company cultures. (And if you are in the generous San Francisco Bay Area, a chance to sample different snacks)Choose the full-time positionIf youve been able to experience various companies and youve found the perfect match, then it is time to settle down with a full-time offer. Wherever you choose to work, ensure that you can envision yourself as a part of that team and are surrounded by people you would want to work with. In order for choosing the full-time position to be the best option, you should be confident in understanding what it is about this company that best meets your needs and leads to a fit. 4. Youre Ready for ResponsibilityChoose the internshipMany internships do not give you the responsibility or the sense of belonging associated with a full-time position. If you still feel in the stage of in-between, not yet ready to relinquish college and accept the responsibility associated with adulthood, an internship is a chance for you to have mora supervision and receive more frequent feedback during each stage of your work. Choose the full-time positionThose prepared for the responsibility that is associated uniquely with a full-time position, deciding on benefits, and establishing a sense of belonging, should look for full-time positions. If you are prepared to accept the consequences and take ownership of both your triumphs and your mistakes, without such a close supervisory relationship, your next step is the full-time role. If you relish the thought of staying the course to revise and follow-up on the results of your project, as opposed to an internship where you may end before the long-term results and benefits of the project are visible, a fu ll-time role is the right fit. 5. You Hate UncertaintyChoose the internshipIf the idea of continuously meeting new people and changing situations excite you, and you havent yet resolved the factors mentioned above, another internship might be the right next step. Choose the full-time positionIf the possibility of searching for another internship every couple of months keeps you awake at night, your goal should probably be to secure full-time employment. Uncertainty is daunting. While a full-time position can provide more security, an internship has a definite end point, which means you will re-enter the job search. Even if youve enjoyed the change, new projects, new people, and excitement of your past internships, dont worry. Youll still have the opportunity to continue to learn, grow, and meet new people in your full-time job.Once youve established your passions, what makes you happy and your goals, your first full-time position creates a foundation on which to build your future. I f these indicators are present, its time for life after internships now to conquer the world

Thursday, November 21, 2019

More employees would pick natural light over childcare as a perk

More employees would pick natural light over childcare as a perkMore employees would pick natural light over childcare as a perkIf you have ever worked in a space without a window, you already know how artificial light can play games on your head. Science has concluded that our bodies crave natural light, like plants to the sun. Without access to the outside world, you lose a sense of time and you may even abflug to lose a sense of yourself.One Cornell study found that employees who did not have access to natural light were drowsier at work and reported bigger eyestrain. The artificial space also messes with our memory. We set our internal clocks to natural light without it, it becomes harder for us to remember tasks, as one study found.Thats why it is not surprising that a new study found we rank it highest in our hierarchy of needs - above fun perks or helpful benefits like onsite childcare. In a poll of 1,614 North American employees by human resources firm Future Workplace, the researchers found that natural lightwith a view of the outdoors was the top desire employees wanted fulfilled, outranking swanky onsite cafeterias, fitness centers, and onsite childcare.Why we need natural light at workAlmost half - 47% - of employees surveyed said they felt tired from not having natural light or a window at their office. Those with a window reported being happy (78%), satisfied with their work (73%), and feeling a higher level of commitment to the role (54%) because of the natural light.The study demonstrates that natural light is mora of a basic need, less of a fun perk. You cannot worry about getting fit and eating healthy at your office if your brain is too tired to focus. You cannot ask for better childcare benefits if your workplace makes it hard to first take care of yourself.